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Opisy Gadu-Gadu

Kategorie opisów

-> Chuck Norris
-> Cytaty
-> Erotyczne
-> Frag. piosenek
-> Free Style
-> Graficzne
-> Inspirujące
-> Miłosne
-> Obcojęzyczne
-> Okolicznościowe
-> Pesymistyczne
-> Skrótowce
-> Śmieszne
-> Wulgarne

Wybierz jedną z nich.

Opisy GG z kategorii: Obcojęzyczne

-> ®don`t worry don`t cry take extasy and flyyyyyy®
-> (--- OnLy YoU In My HeArT FoReVeR ---)
-> (-:.. Don`t Worry Be Happy ..:-)
-> (^.\\\)Ich liebe Bill(^.\\\) Komm und Rette mich.....:*********
-> * ThoughtIRanIntoYouDownOnTheStreetThenItTurnedOutToOnlyBeADream *
-> *!..AiNoCorridaThat`sWereI Am YouSendMeThere YourDreamsIsMyCommand..!*
-> *** ...::: Don`t be afraid:::... ***
-> ****KoMm UnD rEtTe Mich**** (Bill`usiu)
-> ***...***Nobody`s going love me better***...***
-> ***brUneTTes mAne beTTer LoveRs ....*** yeAhhh iTs TruE !
-> ***If it`s not what you`re made of, You`re not what I`m looking for***
-> ***Qui ne tente rien, n`a rien***
-> ***_The_FuTuRe_Is_MoRe_ImPoRtaNt_ThaN_The_Past_...New_Live_***
-> **SoMeTiMeS ThE sOuNd Of GoOdByE iS LoUdEr ThAn AnY DruM BeAt**
-> *...~~I`m lonely without you...~~*
-> *Believe in your dreams, that you see when you`re asleep...*
-> *I thought that I will forget, but I remember you still*
-> *sEcreTLu ur da oNlY thiNg ThAt LifTs Me Up & MakEs mE smiLe *
-> *Ur eVerYthiNg My hEarT deSiReS* <33
-> *^* I couldn`t tell U why she felt that way... *^*

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