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Opisy Gadu-Gadu

Kategorie opisów

-> Chuck Norris
-> Cytaty
-> Erotyczne
-> Frag. piosenek
-> Free Style
-> Graficzne
-> Inspirujące
-> Miłosne
-> Obcojęzyczne
-> Okolicznościowe
-> Pesymistyczne
-> Skrótowce
-> Śmieszne
-> Wulgarne

Wybierz jedną z nich.

Opisy GG z kategorii: Obcojęzyczne

-> And when i`m gone just carry on...don`t mourn...
-> And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone
-> Are we getting closer or are we just getting more lost?
-> As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
-> Avoir confiance en qn-cela demande du tepms!!!!
-> B yourSeLf....ur fRienDs doNt wanT anY1 eLse !
-> Baby all I want for Christmas is you, you baby
-> Baby I`m still too lost in You :(((
-> Baby thinkin` of you keeps me up all night
-> Be tough minded but tenderhearted...
-> Because of you i am here you are pervert
-> Because of you I never stray too far from the side walk
-> BeCaUsE oF yOu I`m AsHaMeD oF mY l!fE bEcAuSe !T`s EmPtY...
-> Because of You...I am afraid....
-> Because of You...I am afraid....
-> Because only ur to colour my world with ur breath
-> Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help:*:*
-> Becouse of You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> BeNiceToPeopleOnYourWayUpBecauseYou`llMeetThemOnYourWayDown
-> BeTtEr tO HaVe lOvEd aNd lOsT, tHaN To hAvE NeVeR LoVeD At aLl.

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