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Opisy Gadu-Gadu

Kategorie opisów

-> Chuck Norris
-> Cytaty
-> Erotyczne
-> Frag. piosenek
-> Free Style
-> Graficzne
-> Inspirujące
-> Miłosne
-> Obcojęzyczne
-> Okolicznościowe
-> Pesymistyczne
-> Skrótowce
-> Śmieszne
-> Wulgarne

Wybierz jedną z nich.

Opisy GG z kategorii: Obcojęzyczne

-> <<<...:::já vôĽ íčh Ľíßë áĽkôhôĽ:::...>>>
-> <> w poszukiwaniu straconego czasu
-> <>
-> <>*<>IcH KanN Nicht LeBe OhNe DicH<>*<>
-> <`,= I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies =,`>
-> <`,= There are no words that can express how I feel =,`>
-> =) I love only you.... I miss you... I need you... ;* KCK ;)
-> =====>>>BUN OUT DI CHI CHI!!!<<<=====
-> => NeVeReNdInG DrEaM Of YoU =* <=
-> =>...I`ll never break your heart, I`ll never make You cry...<=
-> =D || Football is my pasion and life... || =D
-> > You don`t really know what you got `til it`s gone...!! ;( < K.C.M
-> >> I was born... to make you happy <<
-> >>>I hate myself and I wont to die<<<
-> >>>I LoVe U 2 MuCh <<<
-> >>>You are as good as you feel.<<<
-> >>No more Nice Girl...we need Dirty Girl...we like you<<
-> >>Sometime I will find you, I know be closer more..<<
-> @->-Mein Steckbrief Liegt mir in Blut-<-@
-> @Sunrise with Ekwador is the best from the best from the best...@

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