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Welcome To C6882's Profile

ostatnio zalogowany: 3625 dni temu

dołączył: 3628 dni temu
ostatnio zalogowany: 3625 dni temu
imię: Juanita Bobbitt
wiek: 110
płeć: Female
status: Open
strona www:
narodowość: Munchen
miasto zamieszkania: Munchen
kod pocztowy: 80032
kraj: Germany
zawód: high school

o mnie:

I'm a 40 years old and working at the high school (Education Science). In my free time I try to learn Bengali. I have been there and look forward to go there sometime in the future. I like to read, preferably on my ebook reader. I really love to watch The Vampire Diaries and Game of Thrones as well as docus about anything geological. I like Slot Car Racing.

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